South Fork Flathead Inflatable Kayak Adventure

Located just south of Glacier National Park, the Bob Marshall wilderness is the second largest wilderness in the lower forty-eight. The South Fork of the Flathead is the main artery through this grand landscape. This trip encompasses miles of hiking through pristine wilderness followed by paddling beautiful gin clear water in inflatable kayaks through wide…

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Fire Talk Series, Episode 3: Starlink Finds the Wilderness

“The great purpose is to set aside a reasonable part of the vanishing wilderness, to make certain that generations of Americans yet unborn will know what it is to experience life on undeveloped, unoccupied land in the same form and character as the Creator fashioned it… It is a great spiritual experience. I never knew…

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Eilen Jewell on the Middle Fork of the Salmon 2024

“A Dream Come True“ Eilen Jewell, Photo credit: Beth Herzhaft What could make a prime-time Middle Fork of the Salmon trip even better? We were hard-pressed to think of a single thing, until Eilen Jewell agreed to join us next summer, 2024. We are beyond excited to welcome this Idaho-born singer song writer for nightly…

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Grand Canyon 2024

Join us for two weeks in the bottom of Grand Canyon next September… “It is a vast wilderness of rocks in a sea of light, colored and glowing like oak and maple woods in autumn, when the sun gold is richest.”– John Muir, Scottish-American naturalist Hey it’s Seth, Everyone knows the Grand Canyon as the iconic…

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WRO’s Top 6 Hikes

If you’ve been on a WRO trip, you know we love to hike! Hiking has always been a core component for our company, as we feel it helps to foster a greater connection to where you are, contributes to a sense of adventure, and gives some pretty spectacular perspectives to some of our favorite places.…

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The Fire Talk Series, Episode 2: Caretaking in the Frank Church

Written by Carly Knudson About the Fire Talk Series: Episode 2: Caretaking in the Frank Church If you are fortunate enough to have been able to experience a multiday river trip, you understand the joyous feelings of being immersed in the remote and rugged. There is something truly special about taking a small break living…

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5 Reasons to Check Out the Main Salmon River in June

The Main Salmon, also known as the River of No Return, is one of the most iconic multi-day river trips in the world. From its source near the Sawtooth Range by Stanley, ID to the Snake River confluence, the Main Salmon River runs for 425 free-flowing miles, one of the longest undamned rivers in the…

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WRO Does Ecuador!

A group of WRO guides travel to Baeza, Ecuador for a week of paddling, ping-ponging, exploring, and spending time with each other for non-work purposes!

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