Grand Canyon 2024
November 4, 2023
Join us for two weeks in the bottom of Grand Canyon next September…
“It is a vast wilderness of rocks in a sea of light, colored and glowing like oak and maple woods in autumn, when the sun gold is richest.”
– John Muir, Scottish-American naturalist
Hey it’s Seth,
Everyone knows the Grand Canyon as the iconic National Park of the Southwest. Many people flock from around the country and world each year to gaze at the views from the North and South rim visitor centers, or some of the other surrounding overlooks for good reason, as the views are incredible and the park offers many great hiking trails within its boundaries to explore from these areas. In my opinion, experiencing the Grand Canyon is best from the bottom, using the river as the primary vein for exploring the park. Soaking in the views, up close views of the geologic history, and experiencing the fun and exciting whitewater, is not all the canyon has to offer from the river. A rafting trip through the Grand Canyon is an equally great hiking trip. There are many impressive side canyons to explore along the way, which are only accessible from the river. It is a truly unique experience to watch the layers unfold from the river as you drop deeper into the canyon and try to wrap your mind around all the geologic history peering back through time at rocks formed over the last 1.4 billion years.

At WRO we primarily spend our river season in Idaho, Montana, Alaska and Canada, but as central Idaho starts to cool off in the fall and river levels recede to base flow, it’s an exciting time to head South, to Arizona to finish the season with a couple weeks in Grand Canyon. During our busy season I am the primary ringleader of WRO. I coordinate all of the different trips coming and going, vehicles moving around neighboring states, buses picking up and dropping off guests at different put in or take outs. It can be difficult for me to get my desired time on the river. After the high-season, as all of our boats move back in the warehouse for the winter, it’s nice to be able to guide a trip without the concerns of being gone or MIA if something urgent comes up. This is one of the many reasons I always look forward to partnering up with AzRA to offer a Grand Canyon trip. It’s fun for myself and a few other WRO crew to show up in Arizona and join some familiar faces of the AzRA crew for the final trip our season and check out another company’s programs and operation.
Our trip with AzRA is a WRO charter, so everyone has some connection to WRO. Most of the group has usually done one or several other trips with WRO and wants to float the Grand Canyon, but wants to do it as a part of the WRO family. There is typically one other WRO guide besides myself, as well as a safety kayaker from the WRO team on the trip. We bring two inflatable kayaks to use on the more mellow sections, and have the safety kayaker along to help manage the IKs. With the three of us, we guide alongside four or five other guides from AzRA. This trip is always a super fun group of adventurous folks!

A few reasons to join WRO:
- We bring inflatable kayaks as a fun option.
- September date, best time of the year! (after motor season and generally nice temperatures).
- Extra hiking options.
- Campfires (many Grand Canyon companies don’t have fires, but we bring extra wood for a few evening campfires, WRO style).
- Fun crew of fellow WRO friends and guides!
- Fun AzRA guides we have met over the years.
- Same price as if you booked directly with AzRA, but special crew of WRO guests.

In 2024, our trip date is September 26th – October 10th. We add an extra day to the 14-day AzRA classic full canyon adventure to allow more time for hiking on our trip. The cost for the 15-day trip is $5475. We do not up-charge the trip, so the trip cost is the same as if you booked directly with AzRA. They don’t have a standard 15 day trip option, but the trip is priced between their 14 and 16-day rates. Let us know if you are interested in joining myself and some other WRO regulars to spend two weeks in the bottom of Grand Canyon in 2024!
*Arizona Raft Adventures is the Grand Canyon park concessionaire and outfitter to offer this trip through.